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Preparation time: Cooking time: Recipe makes:
15 minutes 20 -25 minutes 2 portions
Calories per portion
Protein per portion
374 11 191 / 6.1 247 / 6.2 291 / 12


50g Full fat cream cheese
20g Red onion finely chopped
15g Green pepper
4g Fresh coriander, finely chopped
70g Plain flour
30g Pro-Cal powder (2 sachets)
¼ tsp Bicarbonate of soda
1 Medium egg
30ml Pro-Cal shot neutral (1/4 bottle)


1 Preheat oven to 200 ° C/180° C fan/gas Mark 5.

2 Mix cream cheese, onion, pepper and coriander [curry powder if using] in a bowl.

3 Add flour, Pro-Cal powder, bicarbonate of soda, egg and Pro-Cal shot to bowl and mix together.

4 Pour half the mixture into each muffin case and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

ProCal Powder ProCal Shot

Pro-Cal shot™ and Pro-Cal™ powder are Foods for Special Medical Purposes and must be used under medical supervision. Pro-Cal shot contains Milk (Milk Protein, Skimmed Milk Powder) and Soya (Soya Lecithin). Pro-Cal powder contains Milk (Milk Protein, skimmed milk powder). Refer to labels for allergen and other product information.