Preparation time: | Cooking time: | Recipe makes: |
20 minutes | 45 minutes | 57 portions |
Kcals per portion Kcal |
Protein per portion (g) |
258 | 5 |
8000g Maris piper potatoes, peeled and quartered
855g (57 x 15g) Pro-Cal powder
428ml Whole milk
285g Butter
Salt & pepper to taste
1 Bring a pot of salted water to the boil. Add potatoes and cook until soft, then drain.
2 Add Pro-Cal powder to 200ml of the milk and mix well.
3 Add remaining milk, butter and Pro-Cal mix to potatoes. Using an electric beater or whisk, slowly add Pro-Cal mixture into potatoes until smooth and creamy. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Pro-Cal powder is a Food for Special Medical Purposes and must only be used under medical supervision. Pro-Cal powder is for the dietary management of disease related malnutrition. Suitable from 3 years of age onwards. Not suitable as a sole source of nutrition. Pro-Cal powder contains Milk (milk protein, skimmed milk powder). This recipe has been designed for the dietary management of conditions requiring additional energy and protein, such as disease related malnutrition. Refer to labels for allergens and other product information.